Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Month-end installment 3

Posted by Trompie

I hate it when I start something and can't really follow up on. I realised I'm starting to have a very hectic lifestyle and am required to maintain it for as far as I can.

I was kept busy by a baby project of mine which I labelled 'BLEK MARKET scenarios compilation vol.1'.

It actually articulates what Trompie is actually capable of. Interestingly, I invited a couple of critics for a listening session, so I could prepare myself for future critic...and most did'nt pitch - b!tc#es
...and unexpected guests arrived.

To cut the long story short, one guest who actually slated my works conceptuality was impressed wit my other work to an extent, he eventually flipped a verse or two on my beat...

So here goes....Month-end installment 3


The compilation will be hopefully released when I get back from Europe!
