This beattape is a dedication to thank everyone that supported and still supports this blog. I felt to thank yo'll with beats I think you will enjoy and get to play while relaxing or just doing anything crazy. Therefore, this is dedicated to you...
Although I used a very unusual cover from the group Side Effect - Potrait... that being an undiscovered master piece, relates to what I see SIAMESE Entertainment as...

Before I go on... please note that comments are welcome ... dont just mail me... but put them on here for everyone to see... so... moving swifty right along...
Tracklisting and story behind it:
01 aKademikz
The first beat that I thought will get me back to beatmaking basics, with the notorious Pete Rock drum loop thats been modified to fit what I think the
beat should really imply... going back to the drawing board.
02 Breakin' dem doors
A provocative beat that sparked my emotions to anger. I made this beat in a couple of minutes, but not implying that I didn't go with my craft on it. I
wanted a feel that one will depict as intimidating. Ooh, mc's that rode on the beat found me about to start it as I just found the sample, and they were
like "we recording it tonight, right after you done nicca!!"... and so they did... find it on Hakeem's "Golden State Royale - Collectors edition" or visit torequest for your copy.
03 Coolie High
Man, Willy Hutch is the $#it, nuff said...
04 Family Issues
This was done back then in 2005 when I started to up my game up in chopping. The samples I used then were a lot on orchastration until I realized
that I need to get away from the so-called "norm" of sampling them. Well, I did pull off some stunts then huh??
05 Foreign Exchange dough
I dont know why the artist who used this called it that, but I like the submarine effect I put on this beat, although its not one of my favorites, but I like it
tho... its my baby.
06 Rabu-intro
I wont mention who I sampled, but its quiet clear. I got my comedian/artist on this one on my first solo project... yes... an experiment I was testing my
market with...
07 Grid locked
I bet yo'll think that U heard it before, yes you did, sample that is, but flip is different and if you listen closely, you'll get my signature drumming on that.
I got my man's Ondaground on that "real good stuff" on to bless me and drop it on Blek Market scenario vol.1 (yes.. that project I was talking about
08 Team skeem
I hate Orchestra, but what I love about it is when they drop in horns, but this aint the case, although it was undone, I still feel the horns gotta have
some doper drumming... eer... what's Just Blaze's number again??? lol!!!
09 Rapstarrs
As usual, I had that competiveness in me to see how I can flip this better than those that did it before me, so, its up to the listeners to actually decide. I
love this beat.
10 The love appreciation
I made this beat like mid 2006 and when done, I had people asking me if they could jump on or even keep it in their collection as it sounded lively for
them. I didn't understand it at first cuz I though it was just a beat with highs beyond my requiered levels, but later I realized that if people wanted hip
hop to sound that lively, I might as well make it sound that way, hense why my beats recently sound lively, cuz I session musicians sometimes to
replay samples... lol!
11 The morning after
This is one beat from my beat tapes that I kept for myself for the past year and a half. Its that kinda beat you may play after some steamy nighttym
affair... you know what Im talking about... !!! kanye aint got shit on that... lol... jokes man... jokes!!! But one important thing is that I began to chop
better than the best of my ability and my drumming got illa than yo dope dealer. Thats why I now am putting work always on them drums...
Thats all I can offer for now, somewhat a thought behind every beat... hense I call this beattape "The Potraits of beattapes", so other beatmakers
could follow or learn my art even more... not implying that Im best, but my soul is in what I do than most guys I know... Maybe there might be a second one...who knows?
Equipment used:
FL Studio 6.0.8 Producer Edition
EMU Midi keyboard
5 cent coins in a paper cup
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