Back in 1918 there was a Masters and Servants Act, nowadays we have the employee and employer contracts ( i hope). I was contemplating starting my own business or being an entrepreneur, that's what they are called these days. But I am kinda concerned about my relationship with myself as both employer (of self) and employee! I mean my current boss is a cool chick, she dont stress me coz i would throw a tantrum and she'd give me space. So what happens when there is no mediator? Same *&^%$ that's happening in the ANC right now. everybody doing what ever they want coz we all have our own defenitions of whats right! oh gosh how long are the mentalities of our leaders going to be in prisoned in their own situation. I think we should all move to the "new world" and see who they will govern.... the cita is busy setting up her own party and no idiots allowed...
The Basic Soul Show: 29/11/21
3 years ago
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