The Basic Soul Show: 29/11/21
3 years ago
Random words from the cita: " avoid getting into trouble with yourself!" Most of you dont know what the %$#& that means, and its simple really when you are busy feeding everyone else poison make sure you are not giving yourself bigger dosages! And its unfortunate that the youth leadership in our country does this without cause for concern. I've gotten to a point where i dont even want to discuss the idiocy within the mindset in the youth league jungle. But what can we do, we cant avoid it, its like crunk being called music... yeah I said! It is even the knowledge of my 10 year old niece that "leaders" or older people, as she prefers, are to take care of the needs of those they have responsibility for. I dont know if this concept has evolved over the years and I hope not coz that would mean future generations aref%$#@#$! Right now I am looking for a any credible reason as to why I should adhere to any system accept sleep; why I should vote, and for whom. and if I do which among our "promising" politicians is not only concerned about their very own pot belly? If desmond tutu was a country I would vote for him and his opinions right now.! Ps: young people please go vote even though you might not know why, but please do some politician out there cant wait to make your life difficult.
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