Before I start posting what Mamacita had to say... I just wanna point out that i was about to give her a written warning that she lied cuz she was in Tanzania, but after reading this piece... Im considering giving her a raise...
Its been such a long time since anyone made any sense in the media or am I not reading the "right" publications. Whilst I was not basking in the nubian sun of Tanzania yesterday, I deciced amongst all the work I was drowned in to read a few publication. I'm no fan of free advertising so I shan't mention any names. So for me to come to this conclusion I had to be clear on the my specific subject of study, The South African Music Business. Maybe you dont really care about the ins and outs that affect any musician daily but I do. It makes no sense to me that in this here country there is no prescribed culture of study in this sphere. Sure there is that course at that uni in jozi and the other acclaimed courses at other institutions that have it covered. But what are we really being tought at these places. Is anyone telling peeps what the atmosphere in the business world is. Or are we just content with saying, its a tough business? That to me makes no sense. So aside from the record labels ripping artists off, coz artists wont read contracts; or now digital mediums also ripping artist off for (1) not reading contracts, or (2) just not paying them coz they think its "not a big deal". We really need to look at the ground work in this industry before we get excited about being "THE ARTIST". Sure conferences come and go like seasons and like seasons i forget how cold it was or how nice and crisp brown the leaves where. These discussions are leading people know where folks. Where is the progression from street level that these conferences promise to bring when they need that registration fee. They leave musicians with the same question, still stagnated! Maybe you hope I speak Kak, but that's why you have an opinion my china. Musicians don't own the administration of their products and that's where the beginning is. Centralised policies need to be developed in this industry, and if the people who own it don't start owning up to it today. The system wont heal. Oh crap there I go shooting my mouth off, let me go back up and read why I started this while you ponder.... Peace.
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