Thursday, October 2, 2008

Daily words of wisdom!!!

Posted by Trompie

Since I am a great believer in Heritage and protecting its now fratctured state.  I thought I should share with you the story of how my boss who cannot speak a work of my "primitive" language was insistant on me speaking hers.  Now with no interest in speaking afrikaans I was more shocked at my response. "If you can say xhosa with a clear accent then i'll speak some afrikaans!" Yes I still have a job and to a greater extent my dignity.   Surfcice to say after she picked up her jaw from the floor and an expression that said,"hell no am I speaking xhosa."  I felt the matter was closed.  Then I realise what a nerve certain people have in "suggesting" other people  conform to theirs for their own comfort.  In this rainbow nation where culture erodes away with each english word I, an african types. I am saddened that it might have been to late to fing my people's language again. Not many people see the importance of this and personal choice is one's lawful and human right.  But, just who are u aside from being an African people who are fluent in english? Ndiyabuza!
